Green Controlling

Sustainability Management Beyond ESG Reporting

The right performance management model for the financial evaluation of your sustainability strategy

Nachhaltigkeitscontrolling mit Valsight - finanzielle Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

Green Controlling as a Cornerstone of Corporate Performance Management

Companies face growing challenges in managing their sustainability contribution. A sustainability strategy and transparent KPIs are crucial for sustainable business practices. Valsight assists you in financially evaluating your sustainability strategy and seamlessly integrating it into corporate performance management.

Sustainability as a Business Opportunity

The dynamic regulatory developments in the area of sustainability open up new future perspectives for companies. FP&A teams, as experts in planning, managing and controlling financial performance, are being asked to expand their remit to include sustainability performance assessment. This means thinking beyond mere reporting and tapping into economic revenue opportunities in various business areas, including the identification of sustainable business models.

FP&A as a Driver for Corporate Sustainability Efforts

Sustainability means considering the triple bottom line of "people, planet, profit" as an integral part of all business decisions. FP&A teams, as process owners of corporate performance management, play a central role in the sustainability transformation of companies by integrating sustainability planning into financial planning and developing sustainability KPIs that contribute to overall business goals. This also involves defining new KPIs to measure social and environmental goals.

Integrate Sustainability Into Corporate Performance Management With Valsight

From "how to comply" to "how to add value": Future-oriented corporate performance management focuses on the financial evaluation of the sustainability strategy beyond mere reporting. A holistic integration of sustainability into corporate performance management includes planning, controlling as well as monetary incentives in addition to reporting. With Valsight, you can develop the appropriate performance management approach and flexibly simulate different measure effects.

Your Custom-Fit Simulation Model for Green Controlling

No matter where your company stands on sustainability, we will work together to define, simulate, and test the appropriate performance management model for you. As experts in simulating financial KPIs and defining the underlying value drivers, we support you in answering all relevant questions.

What impact do defined sustainability goals have on the business model?

How can business model-relevant sustainability goals be translated into financial KPIs?

What are the underlying sustainability drivers?

How do business measures affect defined sustainability targets and KPIs?

How can sustainability reporting be optimally integrated with corporate performance management?

What new business opportunities does sustainability offer to your company?

Choose the Leading Software for Scenario Simulation and Planning

Your Benefits

Transparency about the connections between operational actions and sustainability KPIs

Converting defined sustainability goals into financial KPIs

Creation of a transparent calculation and driver model, respectively

Simulation of the effects of measures

Flexible, simple, independent of industry

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